Go or No Go: finding a gap
Go or No GoYou've just passed 500 hours in your Cessna 182RG, and it has proven to be a very reliable traveling machine over the last four years. Today's mission is to get you home from Columbus, Ohio (TZR), to South Bend, Indiana (SBN). The flight will take just under 1.5 hours, compared to over four hours driving, but as always weather is a potential factor.

Go or no go: Thanksgiving trip across Florida
Go or No GoIt's two days before Thanksgiving, which means it's time for the annual pilgrimage from your home in Jacksonville, Florida, to the home of your 91-year old mother in Naples. It's a 6-hour drive or a 1:45 minute flight in your Cessna 182, so it's easy to guess which method you would prefer. Will the weather cooperate? Read the weather briefing below and then tell us if you would go or cancel.

Go or No Go: flying the front
Go or No GoAfter a great visit with family and a stunning solar eclipse, it's time to head home from Carbondale, Illinois (MWA), to New Lexington, Ohio (I86). The good news is the winds aloft are helping today: the 340 mile flight will take just over two hours in your Cessna 182. The bad news is a cold front is moving in from the west, with rain and storms popping up ahead of it.

Go or No Go: a gap in the weather?
Go or No GoYou bought your Cirrus SR22 for business, but today's mission is strictly personal. You flew from your home near Chicago (DPA) to Rochester, Minnesota (RST), to visit your father, who is recovering after major surgery. He's doing great, and through the magic of general aviation you can get home the same day. That is, if the weather cooperates. Check the weather brief below and tell us what you would do.

Go or No Go: afternoon buildups
Go or No GoThe goal today is to get to Tallahassee, Florida, so you can be at a meeting first thing tomorrow morning. On paper, this is an ideal trip for you and your Piper Arrow. It should take just over an hour and a half, and a colleague will be waiting to pick you up in Florida. Of course the only question now is the weather. Let's look at what your iPad has to say, then decide whether it's a go or a no go.

Go or No Go: coastal California flight
Go or No GoIt's not a long flight, and it's the type of mission that makes your Cessna 182 such a valuable asset to your business: a dash down the coast of California from Santa Barbara (KSBA) to your home airport of Montgomery Field in San Diego (KMYF). A four hour drive turns into a one hour flight, but will the weather cooperate?

Go or No Go: battling a Nor’easter?
Go or No GoAs a corporate pilot, you watch your phone continuously - if it rings, you're probably going flying. Today, you're really hoping it doesn't ring, because there's a nasty weather system parked across the eastern US - right where you often fly. So of course Murphy's Law is in effect and the boss calls.

Go or No Go: is there any way through this line?
Go or No GoYour 1981 Piper Aztec and you have been through a lot in 10 years and 3000 hours, including plenty of single pilot IFR trips. But today is going to be a test for both of you - your proposed trip home from Shreveport, Louisiana to Amarillo, Texas is filled with rain, low ceilings and some convective activity.

Go or No Go: VFR under the ice?
Go or No GoToday you're not the one flying the trip - a friend who is a relatively low time pilot has called and asked for your advice. You pull out your iPad and review the weather below. What's your advice for your friend - go or no go?

Go or No Go: fall cold front
Go or No GoAs you stare at your iPad in the pilots' lounge at Rochester, New York, you find yourself wishing for the warm days of summer. Your plan tonight is to fly from your business meeting in Rochester (ROC) to your home outside Columbus, Ohio (OSU). Will the weather cooperate?

Go or No Go: a legal alternate?
Go or No GoYou've been looking forward to this trip for months, as you and some buddies are headed to beautiful Bandon, Oregon for a long weekend of golf. But coastal Oregon is famous for two things when it comes to weather: overcast skies and gusty winds. Can you make the flight legally? How about safely?

Go or no go: NORDO?
Go or No GoYour trip today is all fun, as you flew from your home base in Delaware, Ohio (DLZ) up to Put-in-Bay, Ohio (3W2), a beautiful island airport in Lake Erie. It was a fun day on the water and a great lunch, but now it's time to head home. Is it a go or no go?

Go or No Go: Texas storms
Go or No GoAfter spending a nice Easter weekend at home, tonight you'll be flying from Wichita Falls, TX (CWC) to Wichita, KS (ICT) for a presentation at a big conference. The only question is (as usual), will the weather cooperate?

Go or no go – en route decision
Go or No GoRichard Collins has famously said there's really no such thing as a single go/no go decision. Rather, weather flying can be seen as a series of "continue flying or land short" decisions. Tonight is a perfect example. After a long weekend with friends in Hilton Head, SC (HXD), you're headed home to suburban Atlanta (RYY).

To grandmother’s house we go or no go?
Go or No GoAh, the holidays. A fun time for relaxing with family, right? Maybe, but first you have to get to grandmother's house for the big turkey dinner. And by looking out the window, it's clear that the weather stinks. Are you flying your Baron or staying home?

Real Life Go/No Go: Air Facts reader shares his decision
Go or No GoA long time client in Leavenworth, Kansas, has invited you to a meeting to show your newest product. The key decision-makers are only available from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. You scheduled a flight in your Cessna Turbo 182RG, equipped with a Stormscope, XM weather and S-TEC 55 autopilot.

Go or No Go: storms in the panhandle?
Go or No GoAfter a productive day of meetings in Savannah, GA, (KSAV) your plan is to return home to New Orleans, LA (KNEW) tonight in time for dinner with your family. Here's the weather picture that greets you as you sit down at the FBO computer in Savannah. Read the details, then tell us if you're making the trip or spending the night.

Go or No Go: home from the Bahamas
Go or No GoAfter a relaxing week of vacation in the Out Islands of the Bahamas, it's now time to head home. The good news is your Cirrus SR22 is a capable machine, and you should be landing in Ft. Pierce to clear customs about an hour and a half after takeoff. The bad news is your secluded beachfront villa is totally disconnected from the outside world.

Go or No Go: marginal VFR?
Go or No GoYou're headed to Minneapolis today to pick up your daughter from college and bring her home to Milwaukee for a family wedding. Since winter is starting to recede, it looks like a good chance to dust off your 1978 Cessna 172 and make the 2 1/2 hour flight. Read the weather briefing, then decide if you're making the trip or not.

Go or No Go: game time
Go or No GoYour friend got you tickets to the Super Bowl to see your beloved Baltimore Ravens play. To make an adventure out of it, you've decided to fly your 1995 A36 Bonanza to New Orleans for the game. But will you be able to make it?