Understanding TEC routes in busy IFR airspace — Advanced IFR, by Pilot Workshops
Video Tipfollow along on this scenario-based IFR flight from Riverside, CA (KRAL) to Long Beach, CA (KLGB). The short, 20-minute flight presents immediate challenges as the workload is high from start to finish in the busy southern California airspace. The flight will utilize and explain a Tower Enroute Control (TEC) route which is an FAA program of standard routes that keep a flight solely within approach control airspace.

Air Facts Video Classic—single-pilot IFR departures
Video TipWhen it comes to flying solo/single-pilot IFR, few pilots have the extensive experience that Richard Collins had flying his P210. In this video classic, Richard explains the important nuances of departing into IMC while flying solo and how to prepare which includes the smart use of the autopilot.

VFR Challenge from Pilot Workshops—A Fuel’s Errand
Video TipYou're making a 650nm VFR cross-country from Red Wing, Minnesota (KRGK) to Sheridan, Wyoming (KSHR) for a ski trip. About half way there, at your only planned fuel stop, you discover the self-serve pump is inoperative. Now, with no other airports within comfortable fuel range, you'll have to find a way out of this mess. None of your options are very good, and each one adds potential risks or long delays. Let's jump in and see what you would decide.

Interactive Exercise: Test Your Knowledge of RNAV Approach Charts
Video TipIn this interactive exercise, through guided examples and hands-on practice, you'll learn to identify and interpret key symbols, such as waypoints, course reversals, and missed approach points, all designed to help you navigate the complexities of RNAV procedures with confidence.

IFR Insights with Spencer Suderman: Procedure Turn and RNAV Circling Approach
Video TipIFR Insights, hosted by Spencer Suderman, shares valuable experiences and tips for instrument flying. Spencer is a Florida-based airshow pilot and instrument flight instructor. In this episode, ride along with Spencer in a G1000-equipped Cessna 172 as he flies a full RNAV circle-to-land approach with a holding pattern course reversal into Cecil, FL.

Choosing the best IFR route — Advanced IFR, by PilotWorkshops
Video TipIn this excerpt from Advanced IFR, by PilotWorkshops, follow along on this scenario-based IFR route selection exercise as we plan a flight from Oceana, CA (L52), to Monterey, CA (KMRY), using ForeFlight Route Advisor. As you can see, there are many variables to consider when planning an IFR route including weather conditions, airspace, aircraft capabilities and ATC preferences.

IFR challenge from Pilot Workshops: What would you do?
Video TipIn this PilotWorkshops IFR Mastery scenario, you own a Beech Sundowner equipped with upgraded instruments, an IFR GPS and an autopilot. The Sundowner will take you, your spouse and a family friend from Abilene, Texas (KABI) to McAlester, Oklahoma (KMLC). On approach to your destination, you execute a missed approach in low IFR conditions. Should you try this approach again or cut your losses and head to the alternate?

Air Facts video classic: mountain flying
Video TipRichard explains the importance of understanding density altitude as it relates to performace as well as the nuances of moutain waves and turbulence. Richard even provides some good rules of thumb for flying near or across mountains - whether in the East or West.

Interactive exercise: Unusual attitude recovery procedures
Video TipAn unusual attitude is commonly referenced as an unintended or unexpected attitude in instrument flight. It's important for pilots to recognize the conditions or situations that could cause an unusual attitude, with focus on how to recognize one, and how to recover from one.

Air Facts video classic: operating in winter conditions
Video Tip"Not everyone flies when there's snow or ice around, but some of us do." Enjoy these insights and tips on flight planning, preparation and execution in wineter weather conditions in this Air Facts video classic.

Webinar video: Flying with Datalink Weather
Video TipDatalink weather, either from ADS-B or SiriusXM, is an essential tool for almost all pilots. Once you’ve flown a cross country with in-flight radar, up-to-date METARs, and visual AIRMETs, it’s awfully hard to go back to flying without it. It makes flying safer, easier, and more comfortable – a rare combination - but only if you know how to use it properly.

Video: flying an instrument approach with synthetic vision on the iPad
Video TipSynthetic vision brings situational awareness to a new level especially when connected to an ADS-B receiver. This portable device provides real-time pitch and bank information and for the ultimate backup display.

Video: Patty Wagstaff on flying aerobatics
Video TipPatty Wagstaff is one of the most famous airshow pilots in history as a six-time member of the U.S. Aerobatic Team, the first woman to win the title of U.S. National Aerobatic Champion, and one of the few people to win it three times. She'll share her decades of experience flying aerobatics to show you how aerobatics can help improve your pilot skills.

Video: what really matters to ATC in an IFR flight plan
Video TipMost of the information filed in an IFR flight plan is based on weather forecasts that are released well before your wheels ever leave the ground. Here's a look at what parts of the flight plan actually matter to ATC so that you know how to react if and when the weather conditions don't match the forecast.

Video: what’s the real IFR alternate?
Video TipAlternate airports are a required part of an IFR flight plan when your destination's weather is forecast to be below 2000 and 3. But the filed alternate is almost never used in the real world. This video tip, from Sporty's Instrument Rating Course, explains why and offers some tips for making safe, stress-free diversions if the weather doesn't support your original plan.

Video: instrument approach lighting systems
Video TipInstrument pilots spend a lot of time thinking about approaches, but that usually means glideslopes and GPS procedures. Often overlooked in such discussions is the lighting system you hope to find at the end of the approach. This video tip, from Sporty's Instrument Rating Course, explains what all those lights mean and how pilots can use them to transition from instrument flight to visual flights.

Video tip: flying procedure turns
Video TipAround major airports, vectors to final on an instrument approach are the norm. But outside radar coverage it's common to fly a procedure turn to start an approach. This video tip reviews the basics of this maneuver, including when it's required, what shape these turns take, and why the winds aloft matter. It's a great 3-minute review for any instrument pilot.

Video tip: IFR departure considerations
Video TipInstrument approaches get a lot of attention, whether it's the intricacies of WAAS approaches or the unique missed approach procedures at mountain airports. Most pilots spend far less time considering the instrument departure, which is equally demanding. In this video tip, taken from Sporty's Instrument Rating Course, you'll review the key elements of an instrument departure, when to file one, and what the difference is between an ODP and a SID.

Video tip: circle-to-land instrument approaches
Video TipCircling approaches are pretty rare these days, but at some airports they are the only option. While flying the approach to minimums is the same as a straight-in approach, what happens next leaves no room for error. This video breaks down the circling approach, including when it's required, how close to stay to the runway, and what to do if you lose sight of the airport.

Video tip: introduction to the G1000 PFD
Video TipTransitioning to a glass cockpit sounds intimidating to some pilots, but it doesn't have to be. It mostly means learning how to fly the Primary Flight Display (PFD). This video tip, from Sporty's 2019 Garmin G1000 Checkout Course, explores the basics of the most popular glass cockpit system.