Friday Photo: Alaska sunset

This week's Friday photo comes to us from Alaska, where Rob Murray snapped this picture of a beautiful sunset off Baranof Island. The only thing better than the sunset is the classic airplane in the foreground: a 1952 DeHavilland Beaver.

Friday Photo: runway in Sweden

This week's Friday Photo has an international flavor. Dmitrij Karpenko snapped this photo of Vaesteras airport, outside Stockholm, from his Glasair Sportsman just before turning final. The sun is lighting up the water in the distance, while another airplane prepares to land.

Friday Photo: dog rescue flight

Sometimes the best passengers aren't even human. In this week's charming Friday Photo, flight instructor Michael Young shares a picture of a Columbia 400 flight that involved 24 total passengers: some human, some canine. Read the unique mission that Young was on.

Friday Photo: One World Trade Center

Flying is always fun, but it's even more fun when you can share it with friends or family. This week's photo, from McGregor Scott, shares an unforgettable view, and the important right seat passenger that made this flight down the Hudson River even more memorable.

Friday photo: twilight over Rotterdam

This week's stunning cockpit photo comes from pilot and professional photographer Gerhard van Roon, who snapped this beautiful shot of The Netherlands' second-largest city. The combination of twilight, tall buildings and calm water make for an unforgettable view.

Friday Photo: Toronto at night

In our latest weekly photo entry, Dean Smith shares this picture of Canada's largest city, just after the sun had set. The tall buildings are lit up, and go right to the shores of Lake Ontario. It's all visible, even the island airport, from Dean's 206 at 10,000 ft.
Mountains from Cessna

Friday Photo: Swiss Alps rise above the fog

Swiss pilot Tobias Goller says "Moments like this always make it clear to me that I'm very fortunate in so many ways... Everyone has his one big love story. I do have three: My wife, my daughter - and being able to fly. All the sorrows you may have on the ground are forgotten once airborne."
Sun over clouds

Friday photo: marine layer

Our latest stunning cockpit photo is a good reminder why an instrument rating is handy in California. Jim Yares was flying his son home from a hockey tournament in San Diego when he popped above the marine layer and saw this gorgeous sunset.

Friday Photo: desert sunrise

We just happened to be in the right position as the sun burst through the clouds, not only illuminating the sky but also painting a brilliant yellow strip on the underside of our wing. Just as quickly, the sun was again obscured but we had a great beginning to our day. It’s been referenced before but on most days the view from a pilot’s office just can’t be matched.

Friday Photo: Glacier Peaks from a Luscombe

I was just starting flying lessons when the opportunity to go on this flight came up. I had not done any cross country flights before, and this was a great one to start out with. Dead reckoning, stopping at small airports across the US, and great scenery the whole way. Since this flight, I have finished my flight training and I now fly a 1947 Luscombe 8E.

Friday Photo: sunrise from an AWACS

This week's Friday Photo is a gorgeous picture of sunrise over Oklahoma, with thunderstorm clouds in the foreground. What makes the picture even more interesting is the photo platform: an Air Force E-3B Sentry AWACS airplane.

Friday Photo: Mt. Rainier in a frame

Mt. Rainier is a stunning sight for anyone, especially from the cockpit. But of all the in-flight mountain shots we've seen at Air Facts, this one may be the most interesting. Ethan Levi shares this great shot from his Mooney M20K on the way to Portland.

Friday Photo: astronaut runway

Flying over this runway made me think of the select number of people that have been able to see this sight picture through their windshield. Only astronauts and aviators have been able to see this great piece of American history.

Friday Photo: sunset over Long Island

It was just another flight into New York for airline pilot John Power. That is, until he looked up and saw a magnificent sunset over Long Island Sound, complete with some unusual clouds. As he says, "The office with the million dollar view lived up to its billing."

Friday Photo: Chinese Wall, Montana

This week's Friday Photo takes us to the Bob Marshall Wilderness in Montana, where the 12-mile long Chinese Wall offers a stunning display of Mother Nature's power. Pilot Jeff Morrison captured this spectacular vista at sunrise from an S-35 Bonanza.

Friday Photo: Boston civil twilight

There's nothing like a sunset when viewed from the cockpit of a light airplane. This week's Friday Photo is a striking example, and Frank Facchetti explains why this one has a little extra meaning for him.

Friday Photo: Sydney Harbour view

Seeing Sydney Harbour from Harbour scenic 2 with some friends on a command hour building flight, which doubled as a scenic flight. Sydney looks amazing from the air, Harbour scenics are a pilots dream, a short flight, but one with great memories that will last a lifetime.

Friday photo: Glacier Park, Montana

This week's Friday Photo takes us over the soaring peaks of Glacier Park, Montana. Pilot Wes Strubhar snapped this photo from his Cessna 182 on a flying B&B trip.

Friday photo: Burning Man 2015

For one week each year, the desolate Black Rock desert in Nevada becomes a swirling city of parties and new friendships - Burning Man. It even has its own airstrip, which pilot Jim Salters used to capture this aerial view of the temporary city.

Friday photo: Mt. Rainier from a Flybaby

Flying an open cockpit airplane versus a cabin airplane is like the difference between a car and a motorcycle, but without the traffic. There is a sense of oneness with the machine and the environment. A small, single-place, open cockpit airplane accentuates that even more.