Friday photo: a 6-year old’s first air-to-air shot

After a long summer day at the FBO the boys and I decided to go for a late evening airplane ride. Sullivan (6 years old) was very excited about the view out his window and I gave him my iPhone to take a picture. The result is an uncropped picture that to me that shows the joy of flying old airplanes, flying with friends and family.

Friday photo: Montana mountains

In our latest Friday Photo, aviation writer Amy Laboda shares a great shot of Bozeman Pass from their RV-10. It represented the end of a 1000 mile VFR flight, and a perfect summer vacation.

Friday photo: Chicago skyline

This week's Friday Photo shares the view from an annual aviation pilgrimage - the flight to Oshkosh in mid-summer. From many parts of the US, this flight means the chance to fly past the Chicago skyline, which offers a stunning view.

Friday Photo: Denali from an Aerostar

In the second installment of our Friday Photo series, Larry Baum shares a gorgeous shot of the famed Denali, from the cockpit of his Aerostar. Read about his long trip from New York to Alaska.

Friday photo: Manhattan skyline

Today we are kicking off our latest series, called simply the "Friday photo." Each week we'll share a great photo taken from the cockpit - one that shares the joy, beauty or fun of flying. First up is Ian Seager, with a stunning view of Manhattan.