Scott has been scaring the hell out of himself and his family since the early 1980s, when he began to learn to fly airplanes. Airplanes, as it turns out, have been a thread throughout his life, but it took real form and function when he lived very close to Minuteman Airport in Stow, MA, and decided if there ever was a time to learn to fly, this was the time. Once he began, it was a steady progression. Back then, one had to have a commercial rating to fly for what was known as “AirLifeLine”, and so he persisted up to that point. Currently with about 2,000 hours, Scott watches over a marvelous machine – a 1967 M20E Mooney named “Casper,” acquired in Kerrville, TX, where all Mooneys are born. Casper lives with him in the “Kingdom,” which is the northeast corner of Vermont.