1 min read

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The view: Moscow from FL380

The pilot: Richard Pittet

The airplane: Boeing 787

The mission: Enroute to Delhi, via the polar route.

The memory: The airspace over Pakistan was closed, so we routed north of Greenland and Iceland, sliced over the top of Finland, directly over Moscow, then via Turkey over Oman… south over the water, then a hard left to Delhi. 100,000 kg of fuel loaded and nearly 300 passengers. 17.3 hours chock to chock.

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Richard Pittet
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3 replies
  1. Richard Pittet
    Richard Pittet says:

    The 787’s attitude is depicted by the pitch bar showing 2.5 degrees nose up. The actual flight path indicates level flight and a track about 5 degrees to the left of aircraft heading, the result of 38 kts of right quartering tailwind. It’s “where you’re going, opposed to where you heading.”

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