Air Facts Top Articles of 2024
UncategorizedSporty's Air Facts was proud to have published nearly 160 articles in 2024, written by more than 100 writers. Many of these writers were first time contributors with a compelling story to tell, strong opinion, or a lesson learned. Please enjoy these 10 most popular posts from 2024.

I’m still scared of flying
My Adventure, UncategorizedWhen the Decathalon arrived, he provided dual aerobatic instruction in it and we formed a very small air charter business wherein he served as the PIC of a light twin which we leased locally. I was chief cook and bottle washer and kept the books.

Challenges in Vietnam
History, UncategorizedFirebug told the flight mechanic to use a nozzle of the second fire extinguisher to open the fire door, and if he still saw flames, to discharge the whole fire extinguisher into the compartment. He then told the load master to get the fire extinguisher from the cockpit.

Living the dream
I was there, UncategorizedAs college in the mid-1960s moved along, our involvement in Vietnam began to ramp up. The draft was scooping up people my age from sea to shining sea. I decided to stay in ROTC and get a commission to keep the draft at bay.

General Aviation Accessible Aviation Museum Directory
History, UncategorizedI eventually compiled a list of 176 on-airport aviation museums in the U.S. and some in Canada – all of which can be accessed without the need to rent a car or pay for a ride. I contacted most of the museums to confirm that a pilot could land at the airport and either park at the museum or walk to the museum.

Air Facts top 10 articles of 2023
UncategorizedSporty's Air Facts published more than 150 articles in 2023, written by more than 100 different writers. Many of these writers were first time contributors with a compelling story to tell or a lesson learned. Thank you for your many comments and spirited debate. Please enjoy these 10 most popular articles of 2023.

The U.S. Forest Service Beaver Program in Ely, Minnesota
UncategorizedThe program’s primary area of responsibility is the 3 million-acre Superior National Forest in northeast Minnesota. Included entirely within the forest is the 1 million-acre Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW). Three separate Prohibited Areas (P-204, P-205 and P-206) overly the BWCAW and prohibit aircraft from flying below 4,000 feet MSL.

2017 Air Facts reader survey
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