Friday Photo: astronaut runway
Friday PhotoFlying over this runway made me think of the select number of people that have been able to see this sight picture through their windshield. Only astronauts and aviators have been able to see this great piece of American history.
Friday Photo: sunset over Long Island
Friday PhotoIt was just another flight into New York for airline pilot John Power. That is, until he looked up and saw a magnificent sunset over Long Island Sound, complete with some unusual clouds. As he says, "The office with the million dollar view lived up to its billing."
Friday Photo: Chinese Wall, Montana
Friday PhotoThis week's Friday Photo takes us to the Bob Marshall Wilderness in Montana, where the 12-mile long Chinese Wall offers a stunning display of Mother Nature's power. Pilot Jeff Morrison captured this spectacular vista at sunrise from an S-35 Bonanza.
Friday Photo: Boston civil twilight
Friday PhotoThere's nothing like a sunset when viewed from the cockpit of a light airplane. This week's Friday Photo is a striking example, and Frank Facchetti explains why this one has a little extra meaning for him.
Friday Photo: Sydney Harbour view
Friday PhotoSeeing Sydney Harbour from Harbour scenic 2 with some friends on a command hour building flight, which doubled as a scenic flight. Sydney looks amazing from the air, Harbour scenics are a pilots dream, a short flight, but one with great memories that will last a lifetime.
Friday photo: Glacier Park, Montana
Friday PhotoThis week's Friday Photo takes us over the soaring peaks of Glacier Park, Montana. Pilot Wes Strubhar snapped this photo from his Cessna 182 on a flying B&B trip.
Friday photo: Burning Man 2015
Friday PhotoFor one week each year, the desolate Black Rock desert in Nevada becomes a swirling city of parties and new friendships - Burning Man. It even has its own airstrip, which pilot Jim Salters used to capture this aerial view of the temporary city.
Friday photo: Mt. Rainier from a Flybaby
Friday PhotoFlying an open cockpit airplane versus a cabin airplane is like the difference between a car and a motorcycle, but without the traffic. There is a sense of oneness with the machine and the environment. A small, single-place, open cockpit airplane accentuates that even more.
Friday photo: a 6-year old’s first air-to-air shot
Friday PhotoAfter a long summer day at the FBO the boys and I decided to go for a late evening airplane ride. Sullivan (6 years old) was very excited about the view out his window and I gave him my iPhone to take a picture. The result is an uncropped picture that to me that shows the joy of flying old airplanes, flying with friends and family.
Friday photo: Montana mountains
Friday PhotoIn our latest Friday Photo, aviation writer Amy Laboda shares a great shot of Bozeman Pass from their RV-10. It represented the end of a 1000 mile VFR flight, and a perfect summer vacation.
Friday photo: Chicago skyline
Friday PhotoThis week's Friday Photo shares the view from an annual aviation pilgrimage - the flight to Oshkosh in mid-summer. From many parts of the US, this flight means the chance to fly past the Chicago skyline, which offers a stunning view.
Friday Photo: Denali from an Aerostar
Friday PhotoIn the second installment of our Friday Photo series, Larry Baum shares a gorgeous shot of the famed Denali, from the cockpit of his Aerostar. Read about his long trip from New York to Alaska.
Friday photo: Manhattan skyline
Friday PhotoToday we are kicking off our latest series, called simply the "Friday photo." Each week we'll share a great photo taken from the cockpit - one that shares the joy, beauty or fun of flying. First up is Ian Seager, with a stunning view of Manhattan.