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The view:  Upside down smiles over Arkansas

The pilot:  Serrhel Adams

The airplane:  GameComposites GB1

The mission:  Taking my granddaughter on her first aerobatic flight.

The memory:  I was looking forward to this for a few months.  With full parental consent, and a long discussion with my granddaughter, Maddie, of expectations, we got to go for our first aerobatic ride together. I think the photo shows how much she loved it. I will always remember the end of the flight when she said, “paw paw SA, can we do some more?” And I said, “Maddie, we are out of gas we’ve been flying so long, it’s time to go back to the airport.”  It was a great day, and we got to do several more flights during her visit. Definitely why we fly!


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Serrhel Adams
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