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Friday Photo: Practice

I fly for fun. No competition. No performances. But, I’m always striving to get better. So, an early morning, before a departure on the airlines, provided a perfect setting to get some seat time. The loop wasn’t perfect. The upline wasn’t perfect. But, the scenery, morning, and memory was spectacular. I’ll continue to enjoy seeking the unattainable “perfection.”

Friday Photo: Sunset Over the Ozarks

Pilots in this area are so fortunate to have private strip owners who will share their beautiful landing locations. I was lucky enough to make landings at three of the available strips. There have been times when the wildlife refused to leave their grazing spots, as I’m forced to enjoy a low pass.  Still, never a bad way to spend the evening.

Extend downwind for an arriving flight of two

Two F/A-18 Hornets, the Blue Angels, on low approach, sped towards the runway on final.  They made their “carrier break,” circling to land.  We were excited with our vantage point for the early show. A Blue Angel viewed from pattern altitude is not something one sees every day. Allie gave us a “pretty cool, huh” over the intercom. We were all smiles as continued on our extended downwind.