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The view: Bell V-280 being rolled out at dawn at Plant 6 on the Arlington, Texas airport.

The pilot: None

The photographer: Jay Miller

The mission: Having worked for many years as a Bell contract photographer, I was privileged to be assigned to the V-280 from its first flight on December 18, 2017 thru its last (retirement) flight on April 21, 2021.

The memory: During September of 2018 Bell Helicopter was deep into flight test operations with their advanced military-oriented V-280 tilt-rotor testbed. The latter is a competitor in the US Army’s Future Vertical Lift initiative which is on-going as these words are written. As the aircraft was being towed into position, I saw an opportunity to possibly catch the dawn sun through the open cabin doors as the aircraft moved slowly across the ramp. The result is what you see.

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Jay Miller
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1 reply
  1. mike harper
    mike harper says:

    I spent a little time in the NASA branch that was part of the XV-15 program. One used to do a bit of flying at NASA Ames.


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