1 min read

Celebrating Friday Photo Weekend!

You won’t have to wait another week for your next dose of Friday Photo. It was one year ago this month that Air Facts launched this popular weekly feature with the impetus of friends sending us photos of their flights home from Oshkosh. Thanks to all the readers who have submitted photos all year long. This weekend, we’ll be posting a whole bunch of Friday photos, so stop by Air Facts often to see the latest.

Of course, we are always hunting for our next Friday Photo. We will continue to share the joy, beauty and fun of flying through our Friday Photos. If you have such a photo, send it our way to editor@airfactsjournal.com and fill in the text for the Friday Photo format.

storm and sun and cloud

Click on image for full size

The view: California’s Central Valley, looking west under the storm

The pilot: Jim Yares

The airplane: Cirrus SR22

The mission: Commuting from NoCal to SoCal

The memory: The mix of intensity and beauty in an IMC flight