Geoff is a 64-year old PPL pilot (received in August 2007) with just on 750hrs total flight time, with over 500hrs PIC. He has had a Command Instrument Rating since November 2015 and has just over 80hr IMC in flight and 117hrs IFR. Geoff has his own aircraft (Cessna 172M) which he has had for 4 years and has flown now for over 400hrs. It is hangared (just 900m from his front door) at the local aerodrome which has a 1200m ashphalt airstrip with PAL lighting. He is a minister of religion and bought the aircraft with his wife for a volunteer mission to remote schools in Western Australia. He now teaches Christian Values Classes at four schools (Meekatharra, Cue, Mt Magnet ad Yalgoo) to about 100 mainly Indigenous children. He flies in fortnightly during school terms, aiming for 16 visits per year. He and his wife cover the costs of this mission by fundraising.