aerobatic practice
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aerobatic practice

The view: Practice

The pilot: Serrhel Adams

The airplane: GameCompositesGB1

The mission: Working on precision

The memory: I fly for fun. No competition. No performances. But, I’m always striving to get better. So, an early morning, before a departure on the airlines, provided a perfect setting to get some seat time. The loop wasn’t perfect. The upline wasn’t perfect. But, the scenery, morning, and memory was spectacular. I’ll continue to enjoy seeking the unattainable “perfection.”


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Serrhel Adams
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3 replies
  1. Dale
    Dale says:

    What a gorgeous, spectacular, breath-taking picture! How does one take pictures like that? Please continue to share your pictures with us!

  2. Dale
    Dale says:

    OK, what’s a GB mount? And please do keep flying an shooting pictures like this. BTW, is that your smoke trail in the background to the left? Or, were you sharing the sky with another aerobatic performer?


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