Sun under wing
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Sun under wing

The view: Looking west from over the York River in Virginia

The plane: Cessna 172N (N738HX)

The pilot: Tom Dorl

The mission: Teaching a CFI to be a CFII—we took a pause to appreciate the beauty of the evening.

The memory: Sometimes you gotta look outside and appreciate the beauty of flight and the freedom it provides.

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Thomas Dorl
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3 replies
  1. Dale Hill
    Dale Hill says:

    Tom, Nice picture! I was a T-38 IP at Vance from 1974-78. Started as a line IP in ‘H’ Flight, then became the Assistant Chief of Check Section (we really didn’t wear black hats!). When I left Vance to go fly the A-10, I was the Wing Commander’s exec. That was a few years ago, but Vance was a fun place to be if you enjoyed snowstorms that had thunder and lightning and didn’t mind the occasional tornado coming down final while you were sitting in the RSU! BTW, after flying the A-10 at Myrtle Beach I was stationed at Langley AFB serving on the TAC (now Air Combat Command) Staff. I lived right across the SW Branch of the Back River and loved hearing those F-15’s overhead.

    • Tom
      Tom says:

      Great to hear from you. I was a student in H flight a few years after that ( 92) and enjoyed flying that machine. A-10s… close to my heart… wound up as a Jolly Green for 25 yrs!

      • Dale Hill
        Dale Hill says:

        Jolly’s always had a spot in my heart as well. Flying OV-10’s in SEA, our squadron had an intramural flag football game vs. the Jolly Green squadron one evening. I lined up against one of their PJs and, after we ran a few plays, I said to him, “Don’t I know you?” He replied, “I’ve been thinking the same thing!” We talked and soon discovered we had played on the same high school football team 7 years prior — we had often lined up against each other in some of our drills back in the day. I made certain I wasn’t too enthusiastic in blocking him as the game went on because I wanted to make sure that, if he had to came down on a jungle penetrator to get me, he would take me back up with him!


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