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The view: August morning flight heading southeast to MTH over the Florida Keys
The pilot: David Meece
The airplane: 1986 Bonanza A36
The mission: To meet up with scuba friends to go diving and lobstering in the Keys. Picture taken with iPhone 8+
The memory: Laura and I have been scuba diving with friends for a number of years and they invited a group to go with them to their favorite spot in the Keys the second week of lobster season. We were excited about our new adventure and what lay ahead. We had never lobster hunted. We had a great flight already that morning. We left PIE IFR and flew across Florida. We cancelled IFR west of Boca Raton and descended VFR with flight following to fly the east coast line down to the Keys and out to Marathon. ATC was unbelievable! I was handed off to FLL tower to facilitate flying through their airspace. Traffic was not bad and ADS-B In made others easy to find. Great views the whole way! Just beautiful…
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- Friday Photo: Florida Keys - October 2, 2020
Over the last 20 years I have flown many times from in our 182RG or PA32 from Boca to either Marathon or Key West always filing IFR. ATC would take me west to Marco Island then south to our destination.
The barbecued shrimp and fish tacos are the best! On the return we would always be directed up the east coast over largo, Homestead and Miami. The sunsets were simply