Gregg Reynolds is a retired corporate public relations man who started his career after college working for Boeing with assignments at Seattle headquarters, Cape Canaveral and Washington DC. After nine years with Boeing he moved to Heublein, Inc. There he exercised love of aviation by creating the Smirnoff Sailplane Derby, a stage race for gliders racing from LA to Dulles International Airport. Beyond obvious publicity value, the program aimed at drawing attention of youth to aviation, piloting, meteorology, and navigation studies. Included was an exhibit at National Air and Space museum, Wash. DC., featuring a winning sailplane from the race, plus air-to-air video and still photography. In another education program, during the mid-1980s, he arranged corporate sponsorship of a winning entry in NASA’s national high school science competition which resulted in the experiment flying aboard the Space Shuttle. A lesson plan approved by the NEA was offered to teachers across America. Reynolds is a 3,400 hour general aviation pilot residing in Olympia, WA. He volunteers for AOPA’s Airport Support Network and is a member of the EAA.