1 min read

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The View: Beautiful sunset in mid-eastern Ohio from 3,500ft

The Pilot: Cody Lewis

The Airplane: Cessna 172N

The Mission: Cross-country from KZZV to my home airport in Columbus, Ohio, with my friend flying in the left seat, and my dad in the back.

The Memory: I am so fortunate to be able to see and do things like this. When I took this picture the only thing I could think about was that the people I am flying above right now will probably never see what my two eyes are seeing right now at this very moment. It is such an honor and a privilege to be able to see views like this from an airplane. Flying is such an amazing experience, and I love it more than anything. Having the perfect view like this just reminds me of why I fly!

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Cody Lewis
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1 reply
  1. Travis
    Travis says:

    Awesome picture! We get to see so many beautiful things up there that pictures rarely ever do it justice. Thanks for sharing.

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