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The view: Flying north along the Hudson River VFR corridor in New York City at 1,000 feet. The Statue of Liberty is out of view just off the left wing tip and Manhattan is lit up in all its nighttime glory to the right. The Freedom Tower is clearly visible, with the top of the building stretching well over 700 feet above us.

The pilot: Joseph Perrone

The airplane:  1977 Grumman Tiger AA5B

The mission: Taking my sister and her husband, who were visiting from Arizona, for their first small airplane ride to give them a spectacular view.

The memory: My sister and her husband were visiting for a short trip and we started talking about airplanes. It was evening but the weather was perfect and the next two days looked terrible so we spontaneously decided to go right then and there. They had a phenomenal time and were enchanted by the beauty of NYC at night. It was my first time through the VFR corridor at night as well, and the views didn’t disappoint. The air was calm, air traffic was light, and ATC to and from the Hudson River were polite and helpful as ever.

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Joseph Perrone
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1 reply
  1. Joel Godston
    Joel Godston says:

    Really NICE Dr. Perrone. I was borne on Staten Island, one of the 5 boroughs of New York City that at one time had 5 airports…. now none… but when I was growing up and working at the one remaining airport in 1945-47 washing airplanes; I received a flight in a Seabee airplane. That got me started in my ~60 years of flying experiences (Piper Cub, T-28, T-Bird, B-47, F-84, F-86H, and then owning and flying a Cessna 182 aircraft). While I got to Manhattan many, MANY times, via a bus, then the Staten Island ferry, and then riding the subway. I never got to take a photo like the one you have shared Dr. Perrone…… Thank you, THANK YOU for sharing that GREAT photo. I would like to have ~5 minute telephone conversation with you about NYC, flying, etc… PLEASE, let’s do that sometime!

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