1 min read

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The view: The northeast side of Mount St. Helens, Washington state.

The pilot: Joe Moilanen

The airplane: 1953 Cessna 170B

The mission: Trip to Curlew, Washington, with Teresa and Beau

The memory: Mt. St. Helens is still alive even though she looks to be sleeping under a blanket of snow.

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Teresa Wilson
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5 replies
  1. Steve Sundquist
    Steve Sundquist says:

    That is definitely not Mt. St. Helens. That is east flank of Mt. Rainier with Little Tahoma, the peak right in the middle of the photo and the summit of the mountain on the right. The Emmons Glacier in the foreground. Mt. St Helens might be in the far, far background on the left.

    • Teresa
      Teresa says:

      Yes, I do stand corrected. I went up this weekend and sure enough! Rainier :). I’ll have more of the Cascades to post.

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