Welcome to our latest Caption Contest at Air Facts. Once a month, we post a photo and call on our very talented readers to provide a caption for that photo. Check out our most recent one below and if an amusing or clever caption comes to mind, just post it as a comment. In two weeks, we’ll cut off this contest and the staff of Air Facts will choose their favorite caption.
You will be rewarded for your effort! The winning caption writer will receive a prize: a personally autographed copy of Richard Collins’ latest book, Logbooks: Life in Aviation.
Good luck and have fun!
Update – we have a winner!
Congratulations to Jim McCarthy of California. He submitted the winning caption:
AAA’s new premium service.
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“Tow trucks are too slow!”
The bad old days of aviation leash laws…
“Look Harb! I caught me one! They said ya can’t lasso a wild Cessna, but I showed ’em!”
“I’m telling you this is a bad way to pickup new business passengers!”
John Wayne had the best bits. Clean dead mosquitos!!!!
“Aerial fuel delivery made possible a new cross-country speed record set by Bubba Johnston and Skeeter Swindell (operating the hose) in their specially modified 1957 GMC pickup.”
You remembered to undo the tie-down from the truck before we left, right?
Fill ‘er up, Jake. Hawaii or bust!
“I said I would TELL you when you’re ready to solo.”
Wait! I am from the FAA and I am here to help!
HAANNNGGG on Sloopie, Sloopie hang on!!!!!!!!
“Look Ma! A motorized kite!”
Hold on tight, just slide down the rope. He’ll drive you the last 10 miles to the ranch.
The 1959 Darwin Award winner in the Control-Line Model Aircraft category.
The growing sport of airplane lassoing.
“Hold my beer an’ watch this!”
got him, told you I wouldn’t let him get away this time.
I told you you could not go flying until you cleaned your room.
New sport of hook fish from my Cessna goes bad
You’ll have to stay on the tether a bit longer before we cut you loose to solo.
The early days of PEE-TOW TUBES, emptying the ‘Tank’
Isn’t it cheaper to pay the landing fee?
I got her started now, thanks.
“…And that’s when your Grandma said to me: Why don’t you just put a tank of extra fuel in another aeroplane, ya darn fool?”
I’ll get you going, and when I give the signal, pop the clutch
Testing an early version of sanitary airline restrooms, this concept was not adopted.
“Son, I told you that you had to milk them cows before you could go flyin, now get back here.”
I’m not convinced that mobile tie-downs will ever catch on?
This electric flight thing has too many limitations to really take off .
GMC’s first (and last) attempt at building gliders
Talk about drag…
Who said this ole pickup wouldn’t go 80 miles an hour!
Hillbilly Harry to Peter the Pilot: “Next time just relieve yourself out the damn door….this is ridiculous!!!!!”
Fly by wire gets it’s start!
“Fred!!!!!! Don’t deploy the wings until we’re over the cliff….”
The Auto Club couldn’t find me!
Local pilot breaks tow truck drivers strike.
Ever wonder how the “pickup truck” got its name?
Fuel 100%.Iniate separation!.
Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
It was at that moment that John began to have doubts about full-scale control line models.
“Ahhh, you young whipper snappers!! Cell phones…?! We had our own way of making long-distance calls WAAAAY before you had these new-fangled cell phones.”
And that’s how Aunt Alice handled our “only one bag in the plane per person” policy!
“This is the economy charter. You have to pay extra if you want the plane to pick you up at the FBO”
I’ll unhook when we come to the next thermal!!
Hey Roscoe, I’ve heard of hand propping but never using a pick up to “pull start” . Just remember to let go !!
“If you want me to get that windshield, you’ll have to come a little closer!”
For heavens sake,pop the clutch already!
AAA’s new premium service.
‘Remember: a climbing right turn after I release the cable!”
Errata (ok, i think I got it right this time : )
“Remember: a right turn after I release the cable!”
“Alright, Edgar, I admit you got it roped, but now let’s see ya hog tie it!”
These new electric planes really do need longer extension cords.
Harder than you think to get a “slice of the good life”!
Contest # 7
Myasses Dragon
8/10 for this NTSB reconstruction!.
for Photo #7:
I tell ya, these shredders have definitely reached higher levels.
“Momma has a squeeze box…she has on the ramp.”
“Slinky Kilo Bravo Zulu, you are NOT cleared to taxi.”
“Hey, why try to fly it now ? Just fold it up and MAIL it!”