Welcome to our latest monthly feature at Air Facts – our Caption Contest. Once a month, we post a photo and call on our very talented readers to provide a caption for that photo. Check out our most recent one below and if an amusing or clever caption comes to mind, just post it as a comment. In two weeks, we’ll cut off this contest and the staff of Air Facts will choose their favorite caption.
You will be rewarded for your effort! The winning caption writer will receive a prize: a personally autographed copy of Richard Collins’ latest book, Logbooks: Life in Aviation.
Good luck and have fun!
Update – we have a winner!
Congratulations to Adam Fruits from Arkansas – his caption was chosen as the winner from over 60 entries. The winning caption was…
“We got screwed! STC pending.”
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“Do you think he’s overcompensating for something ?”
Meh, I’m not a fan.
They call it an great airship.. these are the newest props I could find.
“Sea” plane
Mitsubishi’s new flying submarine makes a splash!
The Mitsubishi air & sea division merger wasn’t as productive as hoped…
Haha perfect!
They told me this would happen when I insisted on adding steroids to my engine oil.
The new “Air Force 1” will not only get the president there in style, its innovative fan blade engines will cool the air and combat global warming.
Mitsubishi’s new fanjet.
We got screwed! STC pending!
The mechanic was confident everything was shipshape; the pilot, less convinced
In an effort to combat greenhouse gases, these new planes are wind powered…
Bound to happen with Disney’s close proximity to NASA’s aeronautical engineers; “Mouse Ear Propulsion”
I don’t like this airplane and will not join the fan club.
Two boat props on one boat anchor.
“Put down the champagne bottle and slowly back away”
I just tried the new flyagra.
New screws. Perfect for boat turns.
So after our expedition found the Titanic, we were told you couldn’t actually legally import anything from the wreck, so…
Should make it easy to Hang it on the Props.
I often wondered if there was an airplane submarine. Once taxing out on floats my G1000 said, “traffic 12 O,clock low.”
If you fly on this plane, you’re screwed!
Haha. Cause boat props are called screws. That’s super funny.
See what happens when you AP doubles as a boat mechanic. When I told him to replace the wheels, I was referring to the tires.
The Morocco Hilton is now shopping for ceiling fan replacements after a mysterious airport theft.
MU-2 Prince of Dubai Edition (a.k.a. Au-2)
Jame Bond’s latest conveyance designed by Q …
Just another example of getting screwed on a prop overhaul! (Yes, I intended the pun.)
The latest weapon in the ongoing search for MH17
Actually, I meant MH370. I guess I “screwed” up!
Osprey, the next generation.
Pilots…..always going for bigger…..shinier
My first airplane with reverse thrust, but how do I go back to forward?
I always knew flying was cool.
“Thrust me, I’m a big fan of propellers!”
Welcome aboard Disney Air!
And … ‘er Mitsubishi 97z, contact ground point 9 when ready to weigh anchor.
“Okay Bob lets start the Starboard engine first and then we’ll crank up the Port.”
FAA to “problem pilot”. This mandatory prop installation will prevent you from ever again feathering wrong one.
Captain Sully’s new ride. Able to land on the Hudson then taxi to the pier.
Does my fanny look too big?
Disneys latest Japanese corporate bird, called the “Mickey Mouse Mitsubishi”. Ride at your own risk…
And just like that, Mitsubishi decided to run with the Dolly Parton theme.
Increased effeciency but the anchor reduces the useful load significantly…