Jim's aviation world began when he used funds from a student loan during his sophomore year at Texas Tech, taking flying lessons in Piper 150s, getting his license 13 months later. In August 1966, he earned his Navy Wings, then served the last 2 years in the Navy as navigator on the ammo ship USS Paricutin, navigating one tour along the coast of Vietnam, then mustered out the navy in 1969 as the Operations Boss on the USS Amphion. His favorite airplane was the 1425 HP T-28, characterized by Bud Davisson as "a giant beer keg standing on tiptoe." Jim returned to civilian aviation in 1976 in the Piper Tomahawk, with time in the Bonanza A-36, but mostly two speed-modified Mooney 20C Mark 21s, the last one tied down and maintained by Air Combat USA in Fullerton, California. He has logged a modest 1,000 hours over 43 years. The Mooneys were the most satisfying of all his civilian flying. Retirement has allowed him to enjoy his hobby of writing, using the civilian and military experiences for historical fiction (The Fiery Women of Angels Four) and family drama (The Parker Affair). Jim lives in El Dorado Hills, CA, where he fishes and lives with his sweet wife of 52 years, part time ruthless editor and full time travel partner of nearly 90 countries.