Phillip Buck Olsen, born Duluth, MN, of Norwegian immigrants, Feb. 28, 1931, is a retired USAF pilot; Alex&Baldwin corporate pilot, Daedelian, retired educator and associate dean at the University of Hawaii/Manoa. He is a certified flight instructor, ATP, ASMEL, BAE-125, CE500, HS125, FA119C, Comm. ASMEL SEA, FAA certified Wright Bros. Master Pilot, Recipient Estella della Solidarieta, Republic of Italy, 1956. Commander CAP Aloha State Search and Rescue Squadron, Honolulu, 1972-1979; active Honolulu Symphony Guild, Vice President Honolulu Marathon, member Asian Studies Association, member Foreign Affairs Assn., Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Elks, skier, swimmer, runner.