2 min read

Once you get past the IFR checkride, you learn that there are surprisingly few “right” answers in real-world IFR flying. Instead, you find risks and benefits. Flying wisely means weighing tradeoffs. That’s what the IFR Mastery scenarios from PilotWorkshops create: situations where you must make a decision that seems like the best risk-benefit solution.

Here’s a sample from one of those scenarios that’s titled “No Second Chances.” You’ll see why it has that title when you get into it, but first know that IFR Mastery scenarios involve a series of steps—just like a real flight. First there’s a video introduction. This sets the scene of how the pilot got into the challenging situation in the first place.

Step 1: Watch the video

The pilot is then faced with a decision—and this is when you’re asked what you would do in that situation. You have access to the same information the pilot has in the resources, such as the weather, airplane location, relevant parts of flight manuals, and applicable charts.

Step 2: Review the resources

Click on the image to view additional resources to help you evaluate your options are available here:


Step 3: Make your choice

Now make your choice, and see what other pilots would choose. 

Next is a video with an expert flight instructor weighing in on what they would do and why. You might agree with that decision, or you might not. Because the decisions aren’t cut-and-dry, there is room for debate.

Step 4: Learn from an expert

Subscribers to the IFR Mastery scenarios can continue to an audio recording of a roundtable discussion where five additional experts offer their opinions on the best choice. And it’s rare that all the experts agree (although one might agree with your choice). The highlights from these roundtables are compiled for each scenario for anyone without time that month to play the whole thing. Subscribers can continue the discussion among themselves along with the experts in dedicated forum, and have access to quizzes as well as all previous scenarios.

If you are interested in learning more or subcribing to IFR Mastery scenarios from PilotWorkshops, click the banner below and begin your free trial.

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