seaplane on beach
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seaplane on beach

The view:  Maule beached at a popular tourist attraction in the Bahamas alongside some sunbathing pigs

The pilot:  Capt. Paul Harding (ret)

The airplane:  Maule M7-260 on amphibious floats

The mission:  A tourism flight to a well known attraction in the Bahamas.

The memory:  One of the many fun moments during an 11,000+hr commercial seaplane career!

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Paul Harding
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2 replies
  1. John Bisson
    John Bisson says:

    I’m ordering his book! I’m a retired American pilot and now fly for fun to the Bahamas! I do have a float rating and considering a purchase! But I hear float planes on salt water is a maintenance nightmare?

    • Paul Harding
      Paul Harding says:

      Hi there John, thanks for the book purchase, hope you enjoy. Reviews on Amazon always appreciated. Yes, maintenance in salt a nightmare but prior prep can save many headaches (for a while!) Mail me when you buy and I can give a few hints before ‘she’ gets wet!!


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