1 min read

[viralQuiz id=3]


John Zimmerman
4 replies
  1. dave sandidge
    dave sandidge says:

    I think DPs in general are vastly understated and underutilized – especially ODPs (Obstacle Departure Procedures). These safety procedures are put into effect for a very good reason: To keep pilots from running their airplanes into obstructions. Anytime you are operating at night or during periods of reduced visibility you should let these invaluable charts guide your thinking when you are departing a terminal area with known high terrain or obstructions. A case in point is the tragic event in January 2003 just north of Scottsdale, AZ. An older couple from Utah were departing in an Aerostar 601P on a beautifully clear but very dark winter night from the Scottsdale airport on route to Santa Fe, NM. Instead of turning north and climbing via the standard DP after taking off to the northeast, they turned further to the northeast (approximately 055 degrees) and climbed straight ahead into a peak in the McDowell Mountains. I would urge all pilots (including VFR only pilots) to be familiar with the OIS (Obstacle Identification Surface) as described in the AIM section 5-2-8 and the “Departure Procedures” section of chapter 2 in the “Instrument Procedures Handbook”, FAA-H-8261-1.

  2. Karl Schweikert
    Karl Schweikert says:

    On “Your airplane has a Garmin GNS 530W on board. Can you fly an RNAV departure?” You might want to choose a DP that is not turbojet only… But fun quiz.

  3. Cliff Dais
    Cliff Dais says:

    If you made up a booklet of practical questions like this getting a pilot ready for the IFR checkride, myself and many other people would pay good money for it. Loved it, great work!

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